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Merseyside Carol Service

Crisis would like to invite you to the Carol Service at Liverpool Parish Church (Our Lady & St Nicholas) this December.

Join Crisis Merseyside as we get ready to celebrate Christmas along with Crisis members, staff, volunteers, partner organisations and friends.

We’ll have music from The City of Liverpool College Choir, Christmas readings, contributions from Crisis members and opportunities for you to sing along and catch up with friends and enjoy a mince pie and hot drink.

We will look back at some of Crisis’ successes over the last year and look forward with hope to a future without homelessness.

The service starts at 6.00pm. This is a free, public event but we welcome voluntary donations. £10 per person will help to cover the cost of the event, and any additional amount will help to raise vital funds to support Crisis' work to end homelessness. Anything you can donate will be hugely appreciated!

We have a limited number of places, so please reserve your tickets today.

You can find information about accessibility at Liverpool Parish Church here. If you have any questions, please get in touch

We know that a life beyond homelessness is possible. Join us.

This event is now closed