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Have Your Say

Have your say on Crisis' plan to end homelessness

This year is Crisis 50th anniversary - but we're not celebrating. Instead, we're working on a plan to end homelessness in Britain. But we can't do it on our own.

If you've been homeless or if you're homeless right now, we need your help to get the plan right before we put it to government next year.

You can have your say at one of our events - ask Skylight staff for details.

What does 'end homelessness' mean?

Our plan to end homelessness will have five aims:

1. No one sleeping rough

2. No one forced to live in transient or dangerous accommodation such as tents, squats and non-residential buildings

3. No one living in emergency accommodation such as shelters and hostels without a plan for rapid rehousing into affordable, secure and decent accommodation

4. No one homeless as a result of leaving a state institution such as prison or the care system

5. Everyone at immediate risk of homelessness gets the help they need that prevents it happening

How can you have your say?

If you have been homeless or if you're homeless right now, we want you to tell us about your experiences and help us with our plan.

Between now and October 2017 there will be events in every one of our Crisis Skylight centres, as well as with a wide range of other projects across the country.

To have your say on our plan to end homelessness, ask Skylight staff for details about your local event.

You can also let us know online here: 

What happens after that?

All your ideas and views will go into the process for producing the plan. We will review them all, along with all the other evidence we collect.

We'll use it all to develop our plan to end homelessness and put it to government next year.

Stay with us...

We'll need your help again to help us build the movement of support needed to put the plan into action.
