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£151 million to help those facing homelessness announced in Spending Review – Crisis responds

As part of Spending Review today, the Government has announced additional funding of £151 million for 2021/22 to help those facing homelessness and rough sleeping. This is in addition to the £103 million announced earlier this year to support people rough sleeping, and those at risk of homelessness, during Covid-19.

This new £151 million funding will specifically be used to support the Government’s Rough Sleeping Initiative, as well as support local authorities to prevent homelessness and rough sleeping in their area. This funding will come into effect from the beginning of the next financial year (April 2021).

Reacting to this announcement, Jon Sparkes, Chief Executive of Crisis, said: “The extra funding announced today is incredibly welcome – with so many people currently facing financial hardship that could force them into homelessness, this additional support will ​help ensure people aren’t left stuck on the streets next year with no way out. ​We've seen through the ‘Everyone In’ scheme that, with the right support, people can leave homelessness behind for good, and this funding ​will get us even closer to the Government's commitment to end rough sleeping by the end of their term.

“We look forward to more details on how this new money will be allocated and spent, and what this will mean for people on the ground.

“To ensure we use this as a springboard to ​truly end rough sleeping and achieve lasting change in how we tackle homelessness across the country, ​this needs to go hand in hand with ​a commitment to roll-out Housing First nationally in England. We also need to look to other policies that will help prevent homelessness, such as maintaining the lift in housing benefit rates announced earlier this year so it continues to cover the cheapest third of rents.”

