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Crisis responds to Labour announcement on proposed renting reform

Labour has today (Thursday 20th June) announced their plans to reform the private rented sector should they form the next government. This includes an immediate ban to Section 21 ‘no-fault’ evictions, introducing new legal protection for renters, putting an end to ‘rental bidding wars’ and bringing in a cap on the amount of rent requested upfront for rental properties.  

Responding to the announcement, Francesca Albanese, Executive Director of Policy and Social Change at Crisis, said: “The current situation facing renters is dire. Increased living costs, sky-high rents and little to no affordable housing are all piling pressure onto struggling people. It’s therefore welcome to see that all the major parties in England, including Labour, have committed to reforming renters’ rights. 

“Labour’s plans to introduce an immediate ban on Section 21 evictions – which are the leading cause of homelessness – would provide England’s 4.5 million renting households with much needed security and, crucially, lead to fewer people being forced into homelessness.  

“We also know many people don’t have the savings to stump up large deposits, and ever-increasing rents often force people from their homes in a desperate search for somewhere cheaper to live. It’s good to see Labour outlining plans to address these issues which can all too often push people into homelessness.  

“Ultimately, whichever party makes up the next government must give renters the stability and security they need, if we are to see a future free from homelessness.”  
