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A look back at our key achievements over 2021

Cess Rebolledo, Senior Digital Marketing Officer


As 2021 draws to a close, we’d like to round up our key achievements over the last year – which has only been made possible with your support.  
1) 8,946 people used one of our services in 2020-21  

2) We gave grants of £3.2 million to local organisations tackling homelessness amidst the pandemic  

3) We helped £1,569 people find safe and secure accommodation and leave behind temporary situations ranging from B&Bs to sofa surfing behind them

4) More than 20,000 people, supported by 230 local organisations, benefited from Crisis funding  

5) We helped 695 people find jobs in the midst of these tough times during the pandemic


The above is only a snippet of what we’ve accomplished in the last 12 months and has only been made possible thanks to every single one of you who has supported us over the last year – from the volunteers, fundraisers, campaigners, sponsors and donors.
Here’s to the new year ahead and 2022 bringing us closer to ending homelessness for good. 

Get involved in ending homelessness 


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