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Bex Pritchard

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Director of Services , Crisis

Rebecca (Bex) Pritchard is Director of Services for Crisis and has been with Crisis since August 2014.

Bex has worked in homelessness and social care for 30 years, starting in January 1989 as a volunteer on the Southampton Resettlement Programme. She has worked in the voluntary sector, private sector, local and central government; providing, developing and commissioning supported housing and social care services, including drug and alcohol treatment.

Her other key roles have included, two periods as a Specialist Advisor on youth homelessness and rough sleeping to DCLG, Head of Support and Neighbourhoods for the National Housing Federation, Strategic Commissioning Manager, setting up the Supporting People Programme for Surrey County Council, Director of Services for Centrepoint, as well as Director level roles in Drug and Alcohol Treatment agencies. 

She has served on a number of voluntary Boards including Richmond Fellowship and Evolve Housing + Support, and has been a member of a NICE Guideline Development Group – ensuring homelessness was considered in best practice guidance on effective transitions between hospital and the community for people with social care needs.

Blogs from this author

The long anticipated announcement on the future arrangements for funding supported housing was ma...
