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Policy workshops to end homelessness

Hannah Gousy, Head of Policy and Campaigns

To mark Crisis 50th Anniversary we are continuing with our drive to build momentum and support in our effort to produce a definitive plan to end homelessness. The plan will be launched at the end of Crisis 50th anniversary year, in May 2018, and presented to governments across England, Scotland and Wales.

In order to design the plan we have launched a series of events (running in September and October) across Britain so that people across the housing, homelessness and other related sectors have the opportunity to share their experiences and ideas about the solutions we need to end homelessness. These events will focus on a range of issues from rough sleeping to welfare reform. 

All the events will focus on prevention, designing more effective rapid responses for people who have become homeless and creating permanent housing solutions for people who need some form of ongoing support.

Please visit the following link to attend an event of your choice.

Places on these events will be limited so do sign up early to avoid disappointment.

If you are unable to attend one of these events, we are also running a written call for evidence that is open until the 18th October.  Through these different channels, we will explore the problems and identify a range of evidenced, workable solutions to feed into the end plan. In addition, we are also running a series events for people with experience of homelessness to work out what needs change.

We hope that by designing this plan, in another 50 years’ time Crisis - and homelessness – will have been consigned to the history books.


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T: 0300 636 1967
