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SmART Gallery fundraiser for Crisis 🖼️

There's a creative fundraiser happening in York this Summer - and you can get involved!

Each year, supporter Jo runs a community art fundraiser in York, and this year Crisis is grateful to be one of the beneficiaries. 

The gallery was oringinally devised by local children during Covid as a way to bring joy to the community and is now in it's fifth year of running.

How it works:

  • The gallery sells blank, homemade canvases to members of the community - any age, any level of artist
  • The artists decorate their canvas using a medium of their choice and return it to the gallery by the end of August
  • On 1st September, the gallery holds an open evening and canvases are sold through a sealed-bid proccess
  • The highest bidder takes the canvas home, and the others are displayed in the local area to bring joy to the community
  • The money from the bids is donated to the chosen charities 

This year, you can get involved and create your own canvas to be displayed and sold! If you'd like to purchase a canvas and take part, just email us on and we'll put you in touch with Jo. 

We love seeing all the incredible, creative ways our supporters fundraise for Crisis, and we can't wait to see this year's artworks!
