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Prioritise Prevention

Prioritise prevention

Scotland has some of the strongest protections in the world for people experiencing homelessness, but far too many people have to go through the system in the first place. That’s why we support new proposals to strengthen homelessness prevention in Scotland.

The best way to end homelessness is to prevent it happening in the first place

Scotland must maintain momentum if we are going to uphold our track record as a world-leader in tackling homelessness. At present, around 8% of the Scottish population, or 1 in 12 people, has experienced homelessness. By acting earlier we can prevent people from losing their homes. 

Everyone has a part to play in helping to prevent homelessness. That's why we support new Scottish Government proposals that would allow people to get help earlier, before they reach crisis point, alongside new duties on public services to ask about people's housing situation, then act to offer help if needed.

Read more 

Ending homelessness does not mean that nobody will ever lose their home again. It means that, through prevention, homelessness only happens very rarely, that when it does happen it is brief, and that once it has happened to an individual or family it is prevented from happening again.

We responded to the recent Scottish Government-COSLA consultation on homelessness prevention duties.

 Read our consultation response

It means: 

  1. No one sleeping rough 
  2. No one living in transient, dangerous or insecure accommodation. This includes people squatting, living in cars, tents and non-residential buildings, and ‘sofa surfing’. 
  3. No one living in temporary forms of accommodation without a plan for rapid rehousing into affordable, secure and safe accommodation. 
  4. No one homeless as a result of leaving a state institution, such as prison or the care system. 
  5. Everyone at immediate risk of homelessness gets the help that prevents it happening.