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Crisis responds to 2018 Budget

In today's Budget, the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced measures around Universal Credit and it's implementation. In response, Jon Sparkes, chief executive of Crisis said: “Today’s Budget was a missed opportunity to announce simple measures that would help prevent people from becoming homeless.    


“At the moment, delays and errors in Universal Credit payments are putting some people at a serious risk of becoming homeless. This simply can’t go on. Our call for dedicated housing and homelessness specialists in Britain’s Jobcentres would provide vital support for people applying for Universal Credit. 


“The Chancellor’s announcements on Universal Credit today were a step in the right direction, but the government must ensure these specialists are part of the package announced today. If Phillip Hammond and the government are serious about their pledge to end rough sleeping, the most visible form of homelessness, by 2027, then they must match their bold promises with equally bold measures to get the job done.”  

