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Public attitudes towards homelessness

Public attitudes towards homelessness

The Crisis Framing Homelessness Project has commissioned a bi-annual online survey to track the UK public’s attitudes to homelessness over the next four years. The results are used to evaluate the progress of the project and provide a source of insight on public perceptions for the homelessness sector.

The survey is carried out on behalf of Crisis by Consumer Insight.

To end homelessness for good, a powerful new story must replace old notions of poor choices and inevitability. The Crisis Framing Homelessness Project was established in July 2019 and is funded jointly by Crisis and Comic Relief. The project represents the next stage of a major initiative to bring about a fundamental shift in the way homelessness is talked about across the UK with the aim of building public understanding, and support and commitment for ending homelessness.


Public attitudes towards homelessness: wave one (April 2021)

Public attitudes towards homelessness: wave two (September 2021)

Public attitudes towards homelessness: wave three (May 2022)
