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Each year, on 15 April, World Art Day celebrations help reinforce the links between artistic creations and society, encourage greater awareness of the diversity of artistic expressions and highlight the contribution of artists to sustainable development. It is also an occasion to shine a light on arts education in schools, as culture can pave the way for inclusive and equitable education.

Art is taught and explored with our Crisis members. As those who subscribe to Art From Crisis know, this isn't just art, it is a way out of homelessness. Art can change lives - and rebuild them. It tells past stories and opens new beginnings

At Crisis Skylight Birmingham, we have a various opportunities for our members to engage with art and creativity.

 Our Visual Arts Tutor, Danielle, explains -
“The art offer at Crisis Skylight Birmingham is purposefully people centred, focused on individual interests and identifies strengths.

Our drop in courses are empowering and open to individuals of all ability levels. Our aim is to provide creative environments that are safe and welcoming to anyone where they can re-build their confidence and take time out from daily stress.

For instance, our Art & Gardening course is planned as part of a Wellbeing Wednesday where people can learn simple gardening and mindful drawing techniques that they can take away to do in their own home.

We are also keen to support Crisis Members looking to develop their own art interests professionally within the creative sector through the artist mentoring programme.

During this programme we have supported members to create digital photography portfolios, set up an illustration business and developed a range of drawing and painting skills.

We also offer an Upcycling and Art for your Home course which teaches techniques in decoupage, stencilling, printmaking and marbling.

During these sessions we encourage members to plan and develop their own designs and produce artwork that they can take away at the end of the courses.

